Pittsburgh Residents - Learn Lean Six Sigma’s History Here
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When looking at LSS’s history, you will need to be familiarized with several methodologies. Or, at the very least, do some research. We can help you learn all about LSS at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Pittsburgh High School Students of Pennsylvania. Our team is an expert in this method, and we have deep knowledge about all aspects of it; this includes history and how Sigma has influenced industries over the years but, more importantly, how practitioners can use it for their own goals.
First, you must understand that this methodology was created to help companies prioritize their customers and increase their earnings, and for it, it combines the principles of Six Sigma and Lean.
If done right, the methodology can help reduce costs and eliminate waste. It is important to maintain quality and performance throughout the process, so you will focus on these elements during implementation as well, which can increase customer satisfaction and results, depending on how it’s implemented.
LSS combines the two methods previously mentioned. Kaizen and other methodologies have also influenced how practitioners and companies see their industries and what they need to do to accomplish the desired results.
Now, to understand LSS, the core principles of Lean and 6 Sigma are important, but there is more to it than what’s already in place.
LSS is believed to be Japanese due to the Kaizen method, as the latter was a huge help to Japan’s manufacturing sector as it encouraged members and the company to be more attentive and provide better products.
This led to increased production and manufacturing, and American companies were even left behind based on the results Japanese businesses were getting.
LSS’s past history will prove that it was created to answer to this competitiveness and allow American companies to stay at the top, but besides this usual need for improvement, you will learn more about how the methodology has been a huge success in other areas.
Six Sigma & Lean Origins: How LSS Was Created
Six Sigma and Lean, methods well-known for decades, are still in use. These methodologies are essential if you want to understand how LSS was created and how it all came down to the main methodology, which is more than just a combination of these two.
Toyota invented Lean in the 1940s as a way to reduce non-value-adding activities. This is where you should start when looking at the entire LSS history.

Lean believes employees should be actively involved in organizational change to foster excellence. Continuous learning and improvement are key pillars to ensuring everyone is happy and achieves the desired outcomes.
It was founded on the foundations of Japanese Taiichi Ohno with the Toyota Production Systems (TPS) and Henry Ford’s innovations as well as Business Process Redesign.
This is how Lean should be viewed when you work in it:
- Lean starts with understanding your customer’s added value and how you can help them.
- You can map the value streams and waste you want to eliminate.
- Do your best to reduce or eliminate waste.
- Next, Lean refers to the process of setting up the system so customers can request it and then delivering it to them when they are ready.
- Employees will be able to identify and work together to solve problems.
- This allows all parties to be able to think through the whole process and concentrate on customer needs efficiently.
When moving to Six Sigma is a more data-driven methodology. Motorola invented the method, and General Electric successfully used it in the 1980s.
Six Sigma is built on the DMAIC structure. This tool is great for manufacturing and other industries to automate processes, identify problems, and find solutions. This tool also reduces the time it takes to address issues and ensures control over the solutions implemented so negative changes don’t occur.
Lean Six Sigma as the Main Methodology
Companies liked Lean and 6 Sigma as stand-alone methods, so they combined them to create a system that focused on continuous improvement and could help them compete with Japanese companies in the late 80s.
The efficiency provided by LSS led to valuable insight into the industry and allowed the USA to grow without compromising customer service. The point of LSS was to ensure that better results and processes were possible.

This method is also used in other areas than product development today. Education and healthcare are looking for ways to reduce the amount of time and resources required to improve their systems, so these two industries can be added as the top ones in the USA today that are benefiting from Sigma.
Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Pittsburgh is committed to offering training to anyone who wishes to learn the methodology or help them become certified.
We are always available for advice and suggestions. Contact us today to find out more about LSS and become a member.